'the reconnect' newsletter

September 2009
Hello Angel Friends!

9/9/9 is a very powerful and significant number. The Universe is sending us some powerful, loving and healing energy at this time. It's to take us to a new level of consciousness. Be aware of your interests and energy at this time. Are you finding that old habits, patterns, behaviour and even friends do not serve you as they once did? Are you interested in discovering new things about yourself or to learn more things about you and the universe around you? Are you being pulled in different directions, wanting to be somewhere that is familiar and at the same time wanting to re-discover and reconnect to your soul and new ways of being? The angels and the universe is pushing us into action. They keep telling me "A is for Autumn, A is for Action, Alignment and Awakening, B is for Being the light you are and C is for Consciousness, Community and Creation!" I laugh at us learning our ABC's at this time of a new school/university year. Of course, Spirit has perfect timing with our spiritual growth, development and awakening!

Be good to yourself, honour yourself and listen to your heart and soul. Do what you feel guided to and create love, healing, joy, peace and connection. Set the intention of Aligning and Ascending by yoga, meditation, affirmation, spiritual development, psychic development, personal transformation or whatever calls to you. Once you take Action you will see you being who you want to be and shining so brightly that you inspire others to shine their light. Thank the universe for finding your soul family and tribe and go find it. Together be a community that is powerful, supportive, loving, compassionate, sharing, joyful, and peaceful.

This week, we celebrate International Angel Day on Saturday 12th September with Angels Among Us with Rachel. Come and play with us and angels at Utopia, North Vancouver for this one day certification Playshop introducing you to Angel Healing and reconnecting you to your team of Archangels and angels. Your celestial team wants to take you to an Angel Healing Temple, for healing, clearing, cleansing and aligning. Meet your very own guardian angels, Archangel Michael and other Archangels and remember who you are, why you are here and your own intuition and power.

International Angel Day at UTOPIA, North Vancouver, Saturday, 12 September, 10 - 4pm $108 (44% of profit to Lionsgate Foundation Camp Kerry )

Join Rachel Harris, an International intuitive healer, transformational teacher, medium and Angel Therapy Practitioner® certified by Doreen Virtue in a fun-filled playshop introducing you to Angel Healing and reconnecting you to your celestial team of Archangels, angels and Spirit! Through meditation, meet your Archangels and angels and allow them to take you on a healing journey, clearing your chakras and shielding you in light. Learn how to work with your angels and Archangel Michael daily, cut psychic cords, vacuum psychic debris, surrender to his and your divine guidance and align with Spirit. Develop your own intuition, psychic and healing abilities, manifestation gifts and loving power. There will also be an opportunity to receive angelic guidance through Rachel. Please bring a notebook and pen. Crystals and cards will be provided for the day. For more details, please visit our events page.

Angelic Audience Reading at Utopia, North Vancouver, Wednesday 16 September, 7pm

Join Rachel, an International Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Intuitive Healer/Teacher and certified Medium, for an interesting and entertaining evening of communicating with angels, nature spirits, guides and deceased loved ones. Rachel uses her authentic psychic gifts, including clairvoyance, to connect with and channel loving messages for you and those you love. Please book early as spaces are limited and get booked up. For more details, please visit our events page.

Angel Gathering, North Vancouver, Thursday 24 September, 7pm

Join Like minded people and your community to discuss current energies, polarity of those who are ascending and those who do not wish to and how we can support each other. For more details, please visit our events page.

Align to your Spirit, Be who you are born to be and Create an abundance of love, joy, and peace for you, those you love and the world.

Love, light and Blessings,