'the reconnect' newsletter

April 2011
Hello Friends!

The soul never gives up. No matter who you are or think that you are or whatever is going on with you, that light inside of you can never be extinguished. Think about it, no matter how dark it is the tiniest speck of light will always penetrate the darkness.

And Thank God for that! I've been fighting the fear big time lately. My Dad is really sick and at times I'm afraid of him dying. Sometimes I'm afraid my children will get really sick from the radiation from Fukushima nuclear plant. I get pissed of with why we have to have nucleur energy anyway. (Interesting name of the plant don't you think?) I cry when I think of the people who are close to that and fear that it will affect millions, just like Chernobyl. Living in Vancouver in the so called "Pacific Ring of Fire", I can really work myself up about the possibility of an earthquake. Last night I dreamt of being caught in a huge tsunami.

And that's all OK and perfectly human. What matters is what I do with that fear. I have a choice to indulge in it or let it go. Thankfully, the soul never gives up and at anytime I choose I can reconnect to my light inside of me.

It only takes a second to realize that I, like you, have a soul that is an extension of Source. Source can only create perfection. Not only that but we are given Spirit flowing through us and a celestial team of angels, guides and departed loved ones to guide us. The fabulous thing is that no matter how dreadful and guilty I feel about myself, they only see my love and perfection. They don't judge me. They love me unconditionally.

My Soul and celestial team guide me to do the inner work. Every day I move (yoga, cycle or hike) and meditate. I call upon the Archangels to remove the energy that is not for my highest good and replace it with energy that does. I work with Archangel Raphael to remove any toxins including radiation and uranium from my and my children's bodies. I work with Archangel Michael to protect us and keep us safe. He reminds me that it's all in the plan. It's all worked out already, all I have to do is check in, trust and follow. It's the best 10 or 30 minutes of my day as it keeps me peaceful and full of possibility.

This week I've been guided to do some research. I now know what to do in an earthquake and the possibility of a tsunami in my area, which is miniscule. I'm working with a great homeopath to keep my family healthy during this time. I also trust that when it's my Dad's time to go, then it is and I won't get in the way of that. I'm also joining and raising awareness for the campaign of having nucleur free energy, here on this earth.

I invite you to get quiet and reconnect to your soul. It has everything you need to know about everything and that light can cut through any darkness. Create whatever possibility you want and shine as brightly as you choose to.

I also invite you to join in our radio show and/or our Angel gathering/Reconnect Community event if you are local. I'll be channeling some angelic and ascended masters energy to clear, cleanse, shield and protect us during these transitionary times.

Reconnect with Rachel, Audience Reading at Utopia, North Vancouver, Wednesday 20 April 2011, 7pm - 9pm

Join Rachel, an International Intuitive Healer/Teacher, certified Medium and Angel Therapy Practitioner® for an inspiring, empowering and fascinating evening of communicating with the spiritual realm. Rachel uses her authentic psychic gifts, including clairvoyance, to reconnect you with your soul, light, love and team of Spirit, angels, guides and departed loved ones. She channels loving messages and healings so you can shine as brightly as you wish. For more details, please visit our events page.

Reconnect with Rachel, Free Radio Readings/Healing Monday 25 April 2011, 6pm - 7pm (PST) Gail Bonglis' Universal Hope Show on Spirit Quest Radio.

Are you challenged by the current earth changes? Are you afraid of radiation leaking from Fukushima? Join Rachel, an International Intuitive Healer, Teacher, certified Medium, and Angel Therapy Practitioner®, for an inspiring, empowering and entertaining radio show. We will discuss the ways we can reconnect, cleanse, clear, heal and protect ourselves during this time. Rachel uses her authentic intuitive healing gifts, including clairvoyance, to reconnect you with your soul, light, love and team of Spirit, angels, guides and departed loved ones. She channels loving messages and healings so you can shine as brightly as you wish. Call 201 793 9022 for a live, free reading/healing. For more details, please visit our events page.

Reconnect Community Evening/Angel Gathering, North Vancouver, Tuesday, 26 April 2011, 7pm

Receive a channelled angelic healing of reconnection, clearing, cleansing and protecting. Share stories and ways of keeping ourselves clear, cleansed protected and connected during this time of earth changes, radiation leaks and transition. Join like-minded friends in an informal, fun, relaxed and safe space to meditate and share spiritual and angelic experiences, ideas and stories. For more details, please visit our events page.

Reconnect with Rachel, Audience Reading at Utopia, North Vancouver, Wednesday 18 May 2011, 7pm - 9pm

Join Rachel, an International Intuitive Healer/Teacher, certified Medium and Angel Therapy Practitioner® for an inspiring, empowering and fascinating evening of communicating with the spiritual realm. Rachel uses her authentic psychic gifts, including clairvoyance, to reconnect you with your soul, light, love and team of Spirit, angels, guides and departed loved ones. She channels loving messages and healings so you can shine as brightly as you wish. For more details, please visit our events page.

Reconnect Community Evening/Angel Gathering, North Vancouver, Thursday 26 May, 7pm

Join like-minded friends in an informal, fun, relaxed and safe space to meditate and share spiritual and angelic experiences, ideas and stories. For more details, please visit our events page.

Reconnect with Rachel, Free Radio Readings/Healing Monday 30 May 2011, 6pm - 7pm (PST) Gail Bonglis' Universal Hope Show on Spirit Quest Radio.

Join Rachel, an International Intuitive Healer, Teacher, certified Medium, and Angel Therapy Practitioner®, for an inspiring, empowering and entertaining radio show. Rachel uses her authentic intuitive healing gifts, including clairvoyance, to reconnect you with your soul, light, love and team of Spirit, angels, guides and departed loved ones. She channels loving messages and healings so you can shine as brightly as you wish. Call 201 793 9022 for a live, free reading/healing. For more details, please visit our events page.

With love, light and joy, Rachel