'the reconnect' newsletter

June 2010
Hello Friends!

I've been a bit quiet of late. It's been a time of inner work, surrender and creating. I'm now at the transformation stage as are many of us and I don't know about you, but it really rocks my foundation if I let it. I'm finding I'm having to be more grounded and taking the time to align myself in order to let go of worry, concern and feelings of being out of control. When I'm connected it's bliss and I trust completely that I'm loved and guided and can move forward effortlessly without fear. When I'm not, I'm confused, unsure of myself and trying to control things around me. Welcome to spiritual growth and the ascending process!

It's not always an easy ride but I asked for this and I know in my soul that it is for my highest good and the highest good of all. I really get that it's OK at times to be confused and not have clear direction. It's at these times I thank the Universe and Archangel Michael for clarity so I can create crystal clear intentions. It always comes; and quickly when I surrender all worry, fear and control issues to my angels, guides and Source.

For example, I was guided to do monthly Reconnect With Rachel radio readings and healings with Gail Bongalis on her Universal Hope Show on Spirit Quest Radio. Once I let go of worry, it was easy to manifest. I did the first show on Monday (Summer Solstice) and it was really great fun. For more details, please visit our events page.

Also, I'm being guided to sell my house. I LOVE my house and anyone who I've had the pleasure of working with there knows it's a magical place set in the park with these magestic trees all around. It's perfect for the healing work I do and for my Indigo son who requires plenty of nature to keep his energy clear. At times I think I must be nuts! However, deep inside of me there is something telling me it's time to move on. I trust in that inner voice and all the signs and guidance I receive constantly from the universe. We'll be staying somewhere local and I'll keep you posted.

I'm staying connected through lots of yoga, being in nature and meditation. Every day I cut my cords, shield in light, use affirmations and gratitude. I also clear my chakras regularly. These tools empower me to go through times of transformation, confusion and challenges with courage and trust.

Of course, all these changes are always for our highest good as they are opportunities to learn and grow. I learnt that I am attached to my house and how attachment can hold us back through paralysis. To reconnect to your true self, follow your intuition and inner voice. If you're not sure what to do then enlist the help of a professional healer, teacher or coach with whom you feel comfortable with. Embrace transformation, after all it is the possibility of ascending and spiritual growth.

I look forward to welcoming you to our upcoming community events, where we co-create the space with each other to allow us to grow and transform together.

Reconnect Community Evening/Angel Gathering, North Vancouver, Thursday 24 June, 7pm

Join like-minded friends in an informal, fun, relaxed and safe space to meditate and share spiritual and angelic experiences, ideas and stories. This month we will be sharing how we remain grouded, connected and easily reconnect to our love, soul and inner power at times of transformation. For more details, please visit our events page.

Reconnect with Rachel, Audience Reading at Utopia, North Vancouver, Wednesday 21 July, 7 - 9:00pm

Join Rachel, an International Intuitive Healer/Teacher, certified Medium and Angel Therapy Practitioner® for an inspiring, empowering and fascinating evening of communicating with the spiritual realm. Rachel uses her authentic psychic gifts, including clairvoyance, to reconnect you with your own inner power and team of Spirit, angels, guides and departed loved ones. She channels loving messages for you and those you love. For more details, please visit our events page.

Reconnect with Rachel, Free Radio Readings/Healing Monday July 26, 6pm - 7pm (PST) Gail Bonglis' Universal Hope Show on Spirit Quest Radio.

Join Rachel, an International Intuitive Healer, Teacher, certified Medium, and Angel Therapy Practitioner®, for an inspiring, empowering and entertaining radio show communicating with the Spiritual Realm. Rachel uses her authentic intuitive healing gifts, including clairvoyance, to reconnect you with your own inner power, love and team of Spirit, angels, guides and departed loved ones. She channels loving messages and healing for you and those you love. Call 201 793 9022 for a live, free reading/healing.For more details, please visit our events page.

Love, light and Consciousness